Thursday 21 January 2016

Ice cream box as Christmas gifts

I had better get this out while it's still January 2016!

Every year, I have around 20 Christmas gifts or so that I need to obtain for friends. And sometimes the task is made more difficult when you have to ponder over the choice of different gifts for the husband and wife coupling. Whilst it is and still remains so, a joy, it is nonetheless mind boggling to put it mildly.

This year, after seeing a few beautifully done ice cream gift sets on Pinterest, we decided to focus our energy on preparing a very special and customised set of ice cream gift box and multiply it 20 times!

The ingredients were easy enough to source. You can get most of them from your local supermarket or bakery stores. Our ice cream box contained raisins, chopped peanuts, chocolate and caramel sauce, 1000's and 100's, mini oreo and ice cream cones. What took a little more work was looking for the containers in which to store the above mentioned condiments. So they were from all over the place. Ice cream cups, spoons and plastic containers were from bakery store, plastic bags for the ice cream cones were from local craft store. The raisins were placed in a Christmas plastic baubles! The glass jars for the sauces were "lovingly" lugged all the way back from a weekend market in Bangkok! 40 jars in all! 

We personalised the box with their last names. We chose the design of the ice cream truck and individually indicated their names before getting them printed on stickers. The brown box was also sourced from the printer. The size of the box was a tad bigger than what I would have wanted but these were the only size that had ready stock. If we had customised the size of our boxes and based only on a quantity of 20, it would have a lot more!

What was fun was the ice cream scoop we found. Typical scoops were mostly made of metal and expensive. We found this really inexpensive one from the supermarket where it also doubles as a sprinkler.

So you could scoop on one end and pour out your 1000's and 100's from the other end! Really cute!

And then we were off, pouring, packing, cutting, sticking labels.

We ended with a jolly happy message inside the box.

It was quite a tiring process but our friends loved their gift which makes it all worth the while.

Here's another look!

Thanks for visiting!