Tuesday 7 January 2014

Gratitude Jar

With the start of a new year, like most people, I wanted to start the year right by making plans and resolutions, most of which don't normally last for more than a month! I suppose with all things beautiful, it starts from the heart. So, to get my heart in its right place, I thought it would be good to start with a grateful one. One that sees joy in the midst of difficulties, and thankfulness in the humdrum of life.

To be grateful, some people do a grateful journal which is a really fantastic idea! Very intentionally, you notice the sometimes insignificant moments that you are thankful for and even more intentionally, you write it down. Moments like your husband taking time to concoct chocolate milk because you made a remark that you are lacking in your calcium intake. Small but thoughtful moments that pass in a flash and forgotten when you don't pen it down.

Here's my version of my Gratitude Journal, a glass jar, if you will.

I will write and deposit into it my grateful moments. At the end of the year, they will be read through as a reminder of how blessed life, my life, can be.

May your new year be filled with joy and strength too!

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